Barnett International reference manuals help research facilities ensure compliance by providing updates on the latest Federal regulations, while our industry compendiums provide executives with valuable information garnered from real-world studies,
analyses, and fresh insight from widely respected opinion leaders on the most important new developments in the industry.
Insight Pharma Reports are written by experts in consulting and industry who collaborate with us to provide a series of reports that evaluate the salient issues in pharmaceutical technology, business, and therapy markets. Insight Pharma Reports
are used by leading pharmaceutical, biotech, diagnostic, consulting, and financial companies to keep abreast of the latest advances in pharmaceutical R&D, their potential applications and business impacts, and their current and future
position in the marketplace.
AI Trends is the leading industry media channel focused on the business and technology of enterprise AI. It is designed for business executives wishing to keep track of the major industry business trends, technologies and solutions that can help
them keep in front of the fast moving world of AI and gain competitive advantage.
Battery Power is the world’s leading media brand that serves the rapidly expanding market of battery powered products and technology. It covers all aspects of applications and technology development of batteries, power management, charging,
testing, monitoring and manufacturing systems, as well as business and market news. Each issue offers technical articles, new product announcements, industry news and application profiles., Weekly Update newsletter and News Bulletins cover the application of informatics, IT and computer science in biomedical research and drug discovery. As the life sciences become an increasingly quantitative discipline, Bio-IT World
provides topical news coverage and analysis of cutting-edge technologies to handle the data deluge in petascale computing and the tools to deliver individualized medicine.
Clinical Informatics News reports on innovative technologies from clinical trials to medical informatics. Technology continues to permeate all aspects of clinical trials and the patient experience, and the tools to support these efforts are maturing
rapidly. and the Clinical Informatics News email newsletter provide authoritative news, views, and insights on the vast landscape of innovation between clinical trial management and delivery of care.
Diagnostics World, an online news portal and a bi-weekly newsletter, delivering insights on the tools, innovations and breakthroughs that will emerging from the expanding field of diagnostics.

“CHI’s Insight Pharma Reports are a cost-effective and reliable source of information about the markets we serve. The cost for us to conduct this kind of business research on our own would be prohibitive. CHI’s Insight Pharma Reports
allow us to keep on top of developments in this rapidly moving field.” EVP of R&D, Iconix Biosciences
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