
Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) is the preeminent life science network for leading researchers and business experts from top pharmaceutical, biotech and academic organizations. CHI’s portfolio of products includes Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Conferences, Insight Pharma Reports, Cambridge Marketing Consultants, Barnett International, Cambridge Meeting Planners and Healthtech Publishing, which includes Bio-IT World, Clinical Informatics News and Diagnostics World.
Founded in 1992, Cambridge Healthtech Institute strives to develop quality information sources that provide valuable new insights and competing points of view while offering balanced coverage of the latest developments. Basic research related to commercial
implications is covered, with heavy emphasis placed on end-user insights into new products and technology as well as coverage on the strategy behind the business.
Key Events:

Cambridge EnerTech (CET) is the premier conference and exposition provider for the energy storage industry. CET was established by uniting five leading energy events into a remarkable single portfolio where thought leaders address novel technology
as well as leading issues confronting the industry across multiple applications. Energy-storage technology is the key to commercial success for many existing and burgeoning industries and CET was established to provide a superior networking and
educational experience for these growth industries. CET’s portfolio of products include the Advanced Automotive Battery Conferences, International Battery Seminar, Battery Safety Conference, Lithium Battery Materials & Chemistries Conference,
as well at the Battery Power Online news source.
Key Events:

AI World Conference & Expo is focused on the state of the practice of artificial intelligence in the enterprise. Now in our third year, the 3-day conference and expo are designed for business and technology executives who want to learn about innovative
implementations of AI in the enterprise. Enterprise organizations face conflicting priorities. Where do they turn to cut through the hype and determine how to prioritize AI strategies and technologies for their business? AI World is organized
around this singular goal, enabling business leaders to learn how to use AI to build a competitive advantage, drive new business models and opportunities, reduce operational costs and accelerate your innovation efforts.

“Great for gaining insights into unpublished research and clinical findings, and a significant opportunity to network and problem-solve with colleagues.” Senior Scientist, ADPE, Medimmune
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